I am a year out from radiation and see my ENT every 6 weeks, my primary surgeon, rad oncologist and oral surgeon have me up at every 3 months. I know this will change after my next appointments in Feb. Some will move to 4 or 6 months. My ENT is probably going to go up to 8 weeks after my appointment tomorrow. As I recall, you just finished this summer. At that point I was at 6 weeks on everyone. I think it all boils down to what you and your doctors are comfortable with. My team had an Oral surgeon to spilt my jaw and he like to have a look every so often, he considers this part of what has been paid for so it is a free look by skilled eyes. I see a lot of them often because I can. The Cat Scan is at 6 months and the chest x-ray is at 1 year. That about covers my follow-up plan. Oh, I see the Oral Hygienist fairly often since I am lucky enough to have kept all my teeth. I don't know if this helps since, as I look at it, it seems a bit excessive. As I said I see them often becase I can. The co-pays are minimal and the peace of mind is priceless! Hey, there may be a Mastercard commercial in here! I would like to say that it sounds like you are doing just great.
