I read on this board that some see lots of different doctors after they are through with treatment. I only see my otolaryncologist every 30-45 days. Is this ok? Should I be seeing my radiation doctors on a regular basis? My otolaryncologist is my favorite and his practice includes the plastic surgeon that did "work" on me and there are speech therapists, etc. also. I just want to make sure I am being followed up as I should be, although I do trust this doctor. Hhhhhhmmmmmm, guess that means I also trust all of you. I am learning that there are many, many opinions in this small world of oral cancer, and none of them appear to be "wrong".

SCC Left Mandible. Jaw replaced with bone from leg. Neck disection, 37 radiation treatments. Recurrence 8-28-07, stage 2, tongue. One third of tongue removed 10-4-07. 5-23-08 chemo started for tumor behind swallowing passage, Our good friend and much loved OCF member Minnie has been lost to the disease (RIP 10-29-08). We will all miss her greatly.