Where in MD? We live in Columbia and yes, blue skies and GREAT weather. Dan actually walked almost 2 miles was a stretch, but he made it!! I love this time of year here in MD...everything getting green and starting to bloom. Dan still using the PEG, so the grilling has to wait a bit longer! But he is doing well just 6 weeks post 8 weeks chemo/rad. God is good and it's so good to see the beauty in the nature He gave us to enjoy.

Thanks for the great and refreshing post!

Debbie - Caregiver for husband, Dan, diagnosed with tongue cancer 7/03. Partial gloss., mod. neck dissections, graft. Recurrence neck tumor 12/03. Radical left neck dissection 12/24/03-unable to get all the tumor. 8 weeks chemo/rad beginning 1/12/04.