No, won`t regret the tattoos and they`re free, tattoo artist in far as donating money to the fund, I lost all my income when Frank died, I made the personal decision years ago to use my nursing skills at home, with trust that when the day came the universe and Frank would watch over me. Is he here with me ? Well, let me tell you, my computer background up until this morning was Billy Bob Thornton, imagine my surprise when Frank appeared as my background ! Frank and I always trusted and believed in the magic of the universe, and I know if anyone had the power to put themself on my computer, it`s Frank. When I pulled myself of the tailspin to Hell, I realized, he hadn`t really left me at all, just the tired worn out body, and I realized that death didn`t break our bond, I think it made it even stronger, and gave me the courage and strength to go on, knowing he`s still with me..............Dee