Thanks everyone! I talked to the head guy at Colorado Springs Aid for the needy and disabled. It was disheartening but at least I have ANSWERS! He said the AN&D is only $190 per month. Not enough for rent. He said SSI was $590 per month but it could take up to two years to get her qualified! Wow! Is this an education for me or what! I don't know what's going to happen. I don't have room for her at my home with my husband and three kids but I guess if worst comes to worst, we'll have to make it work. I'm just going to take her advice and take it one day at a time. I'm an awful worrier and I'm waking up most nights freaking out about her situation! This is all so awful and I'm not even talking about the horribleness of the cancer! I'm so disheartened about the whole American system!
