The thick salvia is a problem, that's for sure. My radiation/chemo days were last Jun/July 2001, with the modified neck dissection in Oct 2001. I used a suction machine as often as a baby uses a pacifier! I remember being so worried about the Oct surgery because I knew I'd wake up hacking up that stuff after laying on my back in the OR for a couple hours. I must have driven the ENT and his nurse crazy as I'd go over this worry time and again with them. As it turned out, that didn't happen. Then miraculously the amount of 'gunk' decreased. I still have it, but I can swallow it with water easily. I notice that it's built up overnight, cuz it still needs (forgive me for being gross) hacked up when I'm using my waterpik in the morning. I still am afraid to sleep on my back because of it, but I should try again I suppose.