Victor............Some how I missed your post so I am sorry about the delay in getting back to you with your questions. I'm glad your going to try the Biotene Mouthwash. I found both the tooth paste and mouthwash to be very helpful in combating the thick/ropey saliva. I also used a water pic and that was very soothing on my achey mouth. Many have used a suction machine and while the machine never really helped me, others swear by it. I guess whatever you can get to work for you is the best answer. You'll have to have a written prescription for the suction machine though.

If you're still having trouble swallowing and don't feel comfortable with the scar tissue theory it might be helpful for you to ask for a barriam swallow. I was having the same sort of problems with swallowing (still do sometimes) and didn't feel comfortable with the scar tissue theory, so I requested the barrium swallow. It is a simple procedure; just a matter of drinking a little barrium while having an xray done on the throat at the same time. My swallowing issue turned out to be exactly what the Doctor said it would be--scar tissue. Still, I was glad to know without a doubt it was nothing else.

As for healing and really starting to feel good, everyone is different. I think Brian says about one month of healing for every week of radiation and that sounds about right. For me, at the six month mark I was feeling much better, although still not my old self. It took over a year before I really began feeling good and not so fatigued. However, fatigue still seems to be an issue for me and I do not have the same energy level I once had. As I've said before though, that could just be old age creeping up on me.

The worst for you is over and now you will begin to heal. Be patient, because it does take time. Good luck and keep us posted on your progress. Sincerely, Donna

SCC first time 1989, with a diagnoses of 'cancer in situ' removed lesion, no other treatments.
SCC recurrence 1997 of tongue and floor of the mouth. Stage III /IV Hemmiglossectomy (removed over 60% of tongue/ floor of the mouth), free flap, modified neck, RAD and Chemo(cisplatin, 5fu) simutainously.
Cancer free 6, yes, six, years!