Hi Barb,

Into our third week post-treatment and Sam is still taking feeds only through the PEG. He was on 3,000 calories a day (3 feedings of 2 cans of TwoCal HN) but on some days has only gone through 4-5 cans if not feeling well or if he slept too long after the morning feeding so that the 2nd and 3rd feeds would be almost on top of each other. He has started putting a little bit of weight back on so I haven't been too fussed about it. He only had one can in the feeding can this morning and became quite nauseous so it was a good thing that he'd only poured himself one...he walked the dogs the day before and was up early trying to help me with the toddler and baby before family arrived to help.


Caregiver to husband 43, non-smoker, social drinker diagnosed Mar07 SCC tongue lymph node involvement. Started treatment May 2/07 35 radiation tx with 7 Cisplatin boosters completed June 22/07. Clear PETScan Oct 07