Okay I just need to put some thoughts down here. I have been doing pretty good though all of this until now. Seems Marvin has decided he doesnt need as much of the boost as he has been taking 6 to 7 cans. Also thinks he will be going back to work in aug. He isnt eating much by mouth other then the drinks. He seems to get upset when I tell him he needs to make sure to drink his cans, do his mouth excerises each day. He thinks I am pushing to much food. So I have backed off to see how he does by himself. NOt sure if this is the right thing to do. I hope that he sees if he doesnt get in the required amount that he will be getting more tired and going backward instead of forward. He has been feeling good here lately but that was with 6 cans (2 of the cans are Carnation vhc)plus extra protein mixed in some of the cans. Today he only had 5 cans and no extra food....Hope it doesnt take long for him to understand.. I told him that the doctors set the amount needed before we started to make sure he stayed healthy and if he plans on going back to work he needs to eat more. He goes back July 24 to see docs. I told him I wounld tell the docs that he isnt eating much yet... HOpe this changes soon.....

CG for Marvin.