You can start here: Use the search function of these forums -- at the top of each page, slightly under and to the left of the photos -- to look for posts by outdoortexan. (Be sure to "search in all open forums" to maximize your results.} Use the little icons above each of his posts to send him an e-mail or private message, or click on his name to go to his profile and get his e-mail address.

He's a true anti-chaw crusader and has a website -- the Outdoor Texan -- where he goes into graphic detail (including photos) about his experience with cancer caused by his use of chewing tobacco. He also speaks to groups about the issue.

He'd be a great starting point for ideas to help your friend. (And you're a great friend for caring so much!)


April 2006: Husband dx by dentist with leukoplakia on tongue. Oral surgeon's biopsy 4/28/06: Moderate dysplasia; pathology report warned of possible "skip effect." ENT's excisional biopsy (got it all) 5/31/06: SCC in situ/small bit superficially invasive. Early detection saves lives.