I have a friend who is 37 years old and was diagnosed with tongue cancer back in July 2004. His tumor was on the right lateral side and there were 2 maybe 3 lymphnodes involved. He was successfully treated at MD Anderson. His treatment ended in January 2005.

The reason I am writing to all of you is because my friend is using chewing tobacco again. This is very devastating to all of us that love him. He has a wife and a little girl that need him to stick around for a long time to come.

Will you please help me with this? How do we confront him? What should we tell him? Will we be able to stop him from using chewing tobacco?

He's a fantastic father and husband. He runs his own business and spends a lot of time working out on the field. He's used to chewing tobacco while doing his work. His personality does not match the type of person who would go behind his loved ones backs, but this addiction is taking over his better judgement.

I would appreciate any feedback.

Thank you.
