Hi all
Ready for more whines!! my husband really cannnot cope with me be ill, so we just act like everything is fine, I think the stress of acting out a part is the reason for my lupus flare, now on double dose of prozac but boy do I feel odd. Still now got new problem, nice big ulcer on the back of tongue, i.e. the bit they missed! now I have to wait and see if its an just an ulcer or here we go again!! Still my husbands last check for his prostate cancer shows its still in remission so thank god for something good. One good thing, I have dropped 28lbs in the last 8 weeks, beats all the diets I've ever read about.
Take care everyone, whiners of the the world unite!!
Cheers Helen

SCC Base of tongue, (TISN0M0) laser surgery, 10/01 and 05/03 no clear margins. Radial free flap graft to tonsil pillar, partial glossectomy, left neck dissection 08/04