Michelle, I'm glad you posted. I was about to post on the same subject--mucous. Suddenly in the last couple days, this has become an issue for me. I've finally figured out that I'm not vomitting because of the nausea, but from the mucuous. This is making PEG feeding much more unpleasant. I have 14 days of radiation to go, and know I have to get a handle on this ropey stuff if I'm going to make it.

Any little tips I'm eager to try just to alleviate my problem. Currently, I'm getting up at night just trying to clear my throat out and I've been hitting that bottle rinse of Keopec, Diphenhyd, lidocain and visc(c) and the new Nystatin bottle seems to almost guarantee a full vomit attack. I just wrote down Diflucan to ask the next doc I see if I can have a prescription for that.

Robitussin might help? Even though I cannot drink soda at all anymore, I made notice that if I got a couple sips in me, it did break up some of the mucous. It was sort of a homemade mucous bomb. I'd rather get rid of it, than wait until a full PEG feeding and then be standing at the sink for the next 20 minutes. My radiation doc told me to stay away from the soda anyway because of the "gas" but it's not like I can drink even simple water like I use to.

I'm looking for whatever will get me through the night <Grin>