Thanks everyone for such encouraging words -- you can't believe how much that has helped...

Now a question:
I met with my chemo doc on Monday right before my third infusion (I did have a little vomiting tonight -- dang it, I was hoping to say I never threw up from chemo -- rats...). Anyway, the doc mentioned doing a fourth, possible a fifth chemo treatment in the coming weeks (each three weeks apart like the first three).

His reasoning: if there is any metastasis, then MAYBE more chemo would help combat that (though there doesn't appear to be a lot of data on this). Of course there is no evidence that I have metastatic disease, but he's saying it MAY help just in case some microscopic cells have escaped to other places.

I guess my question is: is it worth it? I obviously don't want to look back later and say "gee, I could have done something else." But I also don't want to do something just to do it because it may, sort of, kind of maybe work...

Anyone else do "extra" chemo after their radiation? Thanks for any help you can provide...

Just for the record, my cancer was well-differentiated...


Tongue cancer (SCC), diagnosed Oct. 2003 (T2 N0 M0). Surgery to remove tumor. IMRT Radiation 30x in Dec 2003 - Jan. 2004. Recurrence lymph node - radical neck dissection June 2004. Second round of rad/chemo treatments ended Sept. 2004.