
You are soooo funny. Well my mom arrived at my house yesterday. She looks beautiful (although she is skinnier than I've ever seen her not too skinny though just like she's ready to put on a bikini). Her face looks fine just a tiny bit red and her neck still has a couple of those ouzzing red rashes but she looks sooooo good to me. Her voice is coming back! And great news she ate Clam Chowder, Macaroni and Cheese and a frozen yogurt. She is getting her appetite back and she can actually taste (the first bite anyway). He mucus is subsiding and she only got up about 3 times to spit out the yucky stuff last night. What a relief. She seems a little sad. She is scared going through the "What if's?" and she read somewhere that radiation has a 50% chance of stopping another recurrance. I told her never use numbers and I'm going to have her read a few of the posts on the board to see what types of things she will start to experience. Her tongue has been bleeding a little. She thinks she might be biting it when she coughs. There is a pretty big sore at the end of her tongue. She has an appointment with her oncologist on Friday so she will get it checked out then.

I'm sooo happy things are looking better. I just have to keep her and my sister thinking postitive. I will post again with an update.

Thanks again for everything. You are all in my prayers!
Danielle laugh

Originally joined OCF on 12/12/03 as DaniO or Danijams
Dani-Mom SCC BOT & floor of mouth surgery-recur then surgery/rads & chemo completed 3/04
surgery 11/06 to remove dead bone & replace jaw w/ leg bone & titanium plate