Dear Peace,

I feel badly for you, to have doctors that can't agree on the appropriate treatment, has to be very frustrating to say the least. My sister was told that this type of cancer does not respond well to chemo alone. The chemo can be used to enhance the radiation. My sister's cancer was caught very early, but isn't similar to yours. She had a total of 4 surgeries, the final being a radical neck dissection, the cancer just kept spreading to new sites. She declined the radiation that was recommended each time, and when they discovered a tumor on her carotid arteries, she had no choice but to do the radiation/ chemo. I'm sure she wishes she had done it much sooner, perhaps after the modified neck dissection (3rd surgery). It's a choice and a gamble sometimes, to know what to do. Good luck and hope you can get a medical team that can come together to do what is best for YOU.

Caregiver to sister Connie, dx 2005, scc tongue, 4 surgeries inc. radical left side neck dissection 7/06, 35 IMRT, and 7 cisplatin 2/07, passed away 8-11-07, 51 yrs. young, fought with courage, strength and grace, found peace on her new journey.