Tami, Sorry you had to join this site. My Mom too was recently (july) diagnosed with tongue- head and neck cancer. She hasn't started her chemo or radiation as of yet but is getting prepared. I can't answer the questions you have asked. HOWEVER, I CAN tell you that you have come to the right place. Mom had a feeding tube placed in 2 weeks ago to assure we stay on top of her nutirtion and to help avoid her from losing much more weight. I was VERY happy they did this before they start any treatments. PLEASE continue to search this site, you WILL find others that have been through most anything here and great advice/suggestions has helped me alot. Stay strong you and your Mom will be in my prayers

Caretaker of Mom with Unresectable stage IV SCCHN, T1-3,T4..No,N1,N2-3. IMRT daily treatment starting 8/24/05. Erbitux every week starting 8/10/05 and Cisplantin every 3 weeks times 3. Diagnoised 7/5/05 -passed and in peace now on 10/1/05