Hi Susie; As you have read on these boards there are a lot of folks world wide who share your husband's diagnosis. I found a wealth of information here, only wish I'd started earlier.
Re: acupuncture..my doc has little faith in it. My cancer was poorly differentiated so the rads had to be more diffuse...hence dead saliva glands. If I understand it correctly, they can preserve sailvary function if the "beam" can be more focused. There are also some medications that can be given during TX that preserve saliva glands as well.
Make a nice long list for your doctor's visit..you both deserve every bit of information available.
All the best as you continue your journey together toward recovery.

SCC Base of tongue diag. April 04 Stage IV, mets to rt. neck multiple nodes 35 rads+8 boosts First recurrence Jan05. Rt.rad neck dissection Feb02/05. Recurred with bone mets in neck July 05.
Committed to survival with dignity.