I'm with the others on using chemoradiotherapy. It's a tough combination, but there are older people that have gotten through it. My mom was 71 when she started her treatment. She is about 18 months post treatment and on her road to recovery. We agreed to attack her disease with everything available (surgery, induction chemo, chemoradiotherapy, more chemo and another surgery). Our attitude was to go in there and nuke this thing with whatever was available given mom's overall condition. I wish your brother-in-law, you and your family all the best.
Take care.

Mom's caregvr. DDS failed to dx 01/03. Dx Stg IV SCC 05/03. Induct. chemo, IMRT, 5FU, H, Iressa, Neck disect, radiation. Dad's caregvr. Dx 01/04 Ext. Stg SCLC. Mets to liver/bone 08/04. Died 11/12/04. Mom tongue CA dx 06/13, hemiglossectomy (80% removed) 08/13. Clean margins and nodes, but PNI. 6/15/15: Tongue CA at base of remnant tongue. Declined further tx; hospice.
Died 10/13/15. What a long and difficult journey.