Lrn10, welcome to the site. I don't know if the delay will affect the effectiveness of cisplatin. I can say I had it with rad and it was explained to me that it would kill any microscopic cancer cells wondering around my body that were looking for a home. That in itself was enough for me.

I had no trouble at all with the chemo, I had trouble with the antinausia meds they gave me before the chemo. There are apparently two or three different types and I reacted to one type and they put me on another and I had no problems from there on. And whether it is needed for Stage II or III or IV or not, I don't think it will hurt if used on a stage that it isn't particularly helpful. And it might help, so that settles it in my mind. You have to use every possible weapon to beat this disease.

Regards, Kirk Georgia
Stage IV, T1N2aM0, right tonsil primary, Tonsilectomy 11/03, 35 rad/3cisplatin chemo, right neck dissection 1/04 - 5/04.