I am currently in treatment under the RADPLAT protocol under the doctor who pioneered this version of intra-arterial delivery of Chemotherapy. I had few effects that were not manageble and have seen outstanding results so far. For more details, check out my introduction. Although I have seemed to weather this well, I have watched others at the same hospital have it a bit rougher. If anyone has any questions about this procedure, I would be glad to answer what I know either here or via e-mail. I mananged all 4 chemotherapy treatments and have only 7 of the 35 radiation left. Even those are changing to a more narrow scope so hopefully some recovery will already begin from the radiation.

At the hospital I go to, it is the standard of treatment as opposed to being in Trial. I feel confident with the crew that has done this and would suggest the RADPLAT merits investigation if you are facing disfiguring surgery as your primary option.

J. L."Wudman" Wood
Southern Illinois
[email protected]