Dear Eric,
Thanks for your encouraging outlook on your situation. I, too, was disappointed when Dan had to have a radical neck dissection on Christmas eve, and then they couldn't even get it all. We had so many people praying and I had a room full of christian friends by my side during his surgeries. I had to truly put it back in God's hands knowing deep down that He has a plan and purpose for everything. It was hard because I just want him and everyone here to be rid of this horrible disease and be better. I can say that while I continued to pray and cry out to God, I did feel that He heard me and cried with me. I have been a christian for a long time but this has brought a closeness to God that I really haven't had a need to feel before, so like you, I try and see the good, too. And we have such an awesome support system in our Bible study group that I couldn't have asked for anything better. God does work in mysterious ways! You and your family continue to be in my prayers. Let your wife know if she ever wants to write me, please's always nice to talk to other caregivers, too!

God bless,

Debbie - Caregiver for husband, Dan, diagnosed with tongue cancer 7/03. Partial gloss., mod. neck dissections, graft. Recurrence neck tumor 12/03. Radical left neck dissection 12/24/03-unable to get all the tumor. 8 weeks chemo/rad beginning 1/12/04.