Derek, It sux that they've not checked you out further. It took over 6 months of me complaining about a sore throat, 4 trips to GP and two to the ENT, before I woke up with a swollen lymph node under my jaw and me spitting up some blood...the ER Dr said I had a sinus infection. Three days later my GP sent me in for a CT scan...TADA there it was...the ENT couldn't believe he had missed it. Well the long and short of it is keep bugging them, make them look.
Hope all works out well.

Stage 4b BOT and node on right of throat. did 38 trips of TOMO PEG tube,Cysplatin,Taxotere & 5fu 1st 4th and 7th week, changed to Erbitux for the last 4 weeks. 1st PETS since end of TX..CLEAR 6mos out and 2 nodes are hot. Bilateral neck dissection on 10/31/08. Clear Scan 3/31/09 & 8/02/2010