I don't know how long it takes to get oral cancer from HPV, but I would be interested in knowing as well. My husband was diagnosed with base of tongue cancer in August 2007 after surgery to remove a lymph gland that was cancerous (noticed Spring 2007). He is not a smoker or drinker, but does work at the steel mill. I asked if he could be tested for HPV and oncologist said she has never done this before and what good would it do if we did know. I think it's worth checking into. I've read a lot about it online and there have been some studies done on it. Sounds like the treatment could be different if it is HPV. I would not hesistate to have it checked. You can never be too sure of anything.

CG of BT SCC Stage IV age 55 8/30/07 lymph gland removal and Base of Tongue biopsy. Radiation started 10/10/07 x 35 IMRT.