Donna....if your message appears to you, it will appear in the forum. You are doing fine. Just relax and enjoy the forum.

The way to begin a topic, is to first decide on an appropriate forum. That can be chosen from the list at the beginning of the "Survivor/Patient Forum." Click on the individual forum you wish...General.....Introduce Yourself....Symptoms and Diagnosis....It doesn't really matter too much, since most people read most of the day's posts in each listing anyway. It does help the questions to be organized in a general way. After you get to the listing you want, click on "New Topic" and a screen will come up. You simply type in a topic that isn't too long, and then go to the messabe box and type your message. When you are finished, Click on "Add new topic."

The computer will do its thing, while you wait, and it will automatically return you to the forum where you posted. Be patient, and don't click twice, or it will post twice,and you can't delete the extra one.

You can edit your post, however, if you see something that you want to change. You have a short time to click on the pencil and pad, and the message will go back to the composition screen. When you are finished with your changes, click on "Edit Post" to re-submit it.

Just play around. It is very self-explanatory.

Colleen--T-2N0M0 SCC dx'd 12/28/05...Hemi-maxillectomy, partial palatectomy, neck dissection 1/4/06....clear margins, neg. radiation, no chemo....Cancer-free at 4 years!