An update from the meeting with the ENT!

we meet his registrar( I think in the US they are called "resident") on Wednesday. The good news is that there is no distant metastatsis. The CT has shown 2 nodes involved 8mm and 3mm and they are not attached to the jugular. David is due for a Pet scan in OZ on the 31st October. We will take it from there. I am grateful for every moment I have my david my me and our sweet kiddies.

Since then, I have been stangely been in an euphoric space, beeing sure we would be told to go home, meeting our sollicitor and make sure papers were in order. It appears that David will have to go through it all over again on his left side this time. Back in February, he was told by the RT that in 20 % of case, there might have been some transfer form one side to another. David had decided to take his chances. It now appears that what append. I will no add anymore comment here but I am somehow a bit cross at David (although I adore him). There is so much you can say to a stubborn man!! sorry guys smile !!! but I wil let a few days goes and I might put my foot down this time!!! We'll see how reasonable David will be!!??

I might shock some of you (not intentional) and no I am not on drugs!!!! but I need to say that I have decided that I do believe in the concept of "time" which at the end of the day makes all the different when we really think about it
(anyway it does for me). This is really what we live for with all is pros and cons. I was never really a fan of God although beeing raised a pure-hard-French-Canadian-catholic but since last year what "time" has made go through is amazing. Now I don't wan to start another debate like the "PEG issue" !!!

heaps of love, marie-lyne

Wife of David, 44yo, SCC-BOT-R) mod. rad. ND in Jan 06. 35x standard RT from Feb-April 06. Recur on L) side same level in Sept 06 with mod rad ND. 1/48 node positive SCC + 1/48 positive micropapillary carcioma consistant with thyroid CA.