
I have found health insurance is sometimes a negotiating item in employment. I have heard of people within my company getting immediate benefits without restrictions as new hires for hard to fill positions.

I found my new job through my old one. Same parent company, different hospital location and was able to transfer with full benefits and seniority immediately. The only benefits that did not move with me were my left over sick leave (ouch, I had only used half of the maximum when I left, and new company doesn't have it) and a 2 year waiting period to start a medical flex spending account because the hospital funds it directly and doesn't use a company to collect and process the reimbursements.

Since I work in a medical environment, I was very upfront about my treatment and what was required as follow up and have not had any difficulty with coverage. I changed jobs when I was 2 years post op. My cancer experience has actually benefited my employer as I am now in Physician Recruitment and we all know the wide variety of physicians we meet on this road!

Planning wise, different employers view pre-existing conditions differently. I would recommend getting your one year all clear scans etc before switching jobs if you can't afford COBRA. (I know I couldn't.) Your followup checks should be covered if you are one year out of treatment with clean scans.

Good luck. I made the decision to wait to interview until I was over a year out. My attitude in interviews was that I was a survivor and damn proud of it. Wore my LIVESTRONG bracelet proudly and showed off my neck scars. I was not going to put myself through the agony of having to hide something I am so proud of accomplishing.

BTW, today is my one year anniversary with my new job!


SCC Tongue T1N0M0\Dx 3-10-03
Hemiglossectomy, alloderm graft, modified neck dissectomy 4-14-03
3 Year Survivor!