Hi all,
I've been looking in on this sight for a little while now.
Basically, i finnished treatment in December 2006 for Undifferentiated Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma. My cancer presented itself as a large 3/4" tumour starting in the Nasopharynx and growing forwards, blocking my left nostril. I had severe nose bleeds/discharge and a blocked ear. It had also spread to a lymph gland in my neck.
Being just 22 when i was diagnsed my Oncologists philosophy was to "throw the book at me". So i had 6 cycles of high dose Cisplatin & 5FU. Followed by 6 & half weeks of Radical Radiotherapy.
As far as we're concerned i've got the all clear (my lymph shrunk considerably with the first dose of chemo. & within a week my nostril unblocked and i could breathe). A C.T scan before my 4th cycle showed no signs of cancer. So everything that followed was to make sure we kicked it in the butt & it doesn't come back.
I dropped to 6stone 10lb, even with a RIG tube fitted - and size 0 aint all its cracked up to be! laugh
Long term - i have no saliva so have the usual problems with that. & severe nerve damage in my hands and feet from chemo. Tinnitus. Frozen shoulders. & a funky looking hair style as i lost lots - but not all - of my hair.
That's the condensed version of my battle with cancer.
Now - i'm back to work full time & grateful to be living my life again, even though i'll never be 'normal' again (what is normal anyway?!)
There IS life after cancer smile
So anyone reading this that's in the thick of it, it does sometimes have a happy ending!
Thanks for listening,

Undifferentiated Nasopharyngeal Ca. T3N1M0 stage: IIb. diagnosed: June 2006. 6cycles of high dose chemo (Cisplatin & 5FU). 6 & half weeks (33sessions) radical R/T