Just wanted to say thank you to those of you who replied so quickly. I will relay your suggestions and experiences to my sister. Her doctor has given her the idea that she should be starting to feel "normal" by August (this is after finishing rad/chemo in June) but it sounds like that may be overly optimistic. Also, what are people being told are the 5-year survival rates now? All the information I have found on-line sites a 50% 5-year survival when there is node invovlement. But my sister's doctor tells her that the rad treatment has greatly improved in the past few years, and that the actual survival rates are actually much higher than even a few years ago, and that she can expect to be totally cured. My sister is having a hard time believing this, after reading the available literature. Are other people being told that the survival rates are actually much better than what is widely published? I know that statistics don't necessarily mean much, but, still you want to have a realistic idea of what you're up against. Just want to know what is the latest on this. Thanks to anyone who can help.