Hi, McGee - I have stage IV, cancer of floor of the mouth, but the tumor was in my lower left jawbone. I am a breast cancer survivor, having finished lumpectomy and radiation in 1994 just before my husband was diagnosed with CFM (cancer of floor of the mouth. NOTE regarding heritady: My husband died of cancer of floor of the mouth in 1994. Certainly, I am not related to him smile I never smoked, had a drink or two during holidays. My husband was heavy smoker and drinker. He was 59 when he died, I am 73 now and was diagnosed when I was 69. Many people think that second-hand smoke can cause oral cancer, but there does not seem to be any real studies about second-hand smoke. I had surgery in 2004, left lower jawbone was removed and a plate inserted. The surgeon grafted skin from my left leg, just above the knee and also from just below my left breast. The grafts were intended to cover the plate; but it "failed" and all the grafted skin pulled away, leaving the metal plate with no skin coverage. Prognosis at that time was about 2 years, and chronic infection at the plate site. It has been 3 years and 5 months; and during that time I've had 4 biopsies and one surgery to remove part of a tumor. Last month I had another biopsy - three sites were checked all in and around the plate. All came back as cancer and the prognosis is 2-6 months. I was offered radiation, but the plate would have to be removed and probably could not be replaced, as the bone it is attached to is too fragile. I would have refused radiation in any event as I personally feel the side effects are too gruesome to even think about. Doctors say chemo is only offered in conjunction with surgery and/or radiation. The tumor is growing almost daily, and there is a new problem - bleeding from the site of the original tumor. So, I am praying and hoping for something which would prolong my life without horrible side effects.
My nickname is Katie if anyone wants to respond.