Welcome Faithful
I have no experiance in this. But I did read a little. Not Sure what cx means. This is a treatable condition. Some others will answer you. This is a good place for support, guidence, and prayer. Read the faq at the top of the page. That will help you with this site. Look up signature in the faq, as it will help when you ask questions. Good Luck, Petey

DX 3-21-07 L tongue,SCC Stage IV (T3N2MO) TX Slash/Burn/Poison Method.
***Rapid Aggressive Recurrence 8-4-07 with same DX/TX. Life does not cease to be funny when people die any more than it ceases to be serious when people laugh. Never Give Up! ****UPDATE**** Our dear friend Petey passed away, RIP 9-2-07