There may be different models of PEG tubes but when mine was installed last summer, at least some part of it went down my throat. I had to sit up on the table and remain awake while a small tube or tubes of some type were pushed through my nose, down to my throat and into my stomach. The nurse, tech, or MD doing the procedure (there were 2 of them together) told me I had to keep swallowing while getting the tube down into my stomach. Probably the most uncomfortable thing I have ever had to endure. Once the tube was in the stomach they put me completely under and when I woke up I had the tube coming out of my stomach. This was not the same tube they put up my nose as it was black and smaller diameter than the one coming through my stomach wall. I don't reacll asking many questions while all of this was happening. I seem to recall being in a mild state of shock.

Bill D.

Dx 4/27/06, SCC, BOT, Stage III/IV, Tx 5/25/06 through 7/12/06 - 33 IMRT and 4 chemo, radical right side neck dissection 9/20/06.