Hi Sue, I also had cysplatin. I had a 2 hour titration, cysplatin, then 2 hour flush. They gave me 125mg Emend, Dexamethasone, and Kytril that day 30 minutes before the cysplatin. That was followed by 2 days of 80 mg Emend 1x daily, 3 days of Kytril 2x daily, and 5 days of the dexamethasone 2x daily. I think that was 2x daily on the dexamethasone if not it was 1x daily. More than likely he is getting the same thing or something very similar. They had me prescribed another anti-nausea med to take basically as needed but before I needed it and it was promethasine or promethazone. It is generic for Phinegrin?. That did not work for me at all. When I finally tried it I found that it didn't work so my MO put me on Zofran 8mg 1x daily. It worked great. I nearly got in trouble losing weight because I didn't have a peg tube and I went through 2 weeks of trying to find something I could eat enough of as well as something that didn't make me sick. I finally got the Zofran and started drinking all my meals. Carnation Instant breakfast mixed with whole milk (150 cal.), Ensure Plus(350 cal.), and finally found the Carnation Instant Breakfast Lactose Free VHC (560 cal.). I played around with these three until I found an amount I could handle 3x a day. When I finally got my weight stabilized I was drinking two 8oz Ensure Plus 3x a day. This equals 2100 cal which is barely enough and can be difficult when you drink water all day long as well. But it was the easiest until I found the 560 cal CIB VHC. Now I drink 1 8oz Ensure Plus mixed with 1 8 oz CIB VHC 3x a day. This totals 2710 cal. This is really helping me keep my weight where it needs to be. It took alot of time to figure this out and like others have said, sometimes the side effects will not give us the time to play with the weight loss issue so if it is still an option and he is really having alot of trouble, he may want to consider the peg tube. At this point the sooner the better for two reasons. 1. his immune system will continue to weaken raising the risk of infection with the surgery, and 2. I cannot stress how important it is to stay hydrated and fed. I am 2 weeks post tx and made it without but there were a few times I wish I had the peg because I was just to tired to force down these drinks. Nausea is worse on an empty stomach also. It is great that you are helping your sister and b-i-l. It takes a team effort to fight this disease and i'm sure they are greatful. Tell your sis I wasn't much on computers either until I found all of the helpful support and the may well come a time when they too need our support. Tell them we are here if they would like to try the computer thing out. :-) Lee

Lee, age 33, stage 4a, T2N2bM0, Tumor left tonsil (removed), 2 left side nodes removed (poorly differientiatied)total of 3 nodes involved. Treatment IMRT x33/ 2x Cysplatin completed. Good Health and Good Help to you.