Hi Mistake

Welcome to the group, unfortunatley you have to be here , but I can tell you as a new comer myslef if you have to be anywhere this is the place to be and the people to be with . I am fairly new to this myself. But i can give you any info I have on my experience. I am 35 non smoker very casual drinker ( very, not even once a month ) 10 days ago I had 20% of my tongue removed and 32 lymph nodes from left side of my neck ( all clear). My face is swollen and neck and tongue ( LOL) I am in discimfort. But I am ok cus I am cancer free at the moment. I do not know if I need chemo or radiation I will find out within the next week or so. so anything i can answer for you feel .free to ask. Second opinions are good

35 year old Female Non smoker, very occasional alcohol ..Scc T1N0M0,partial glossectomy and left neck disection ,2/9/07 No rad deemed ness. 4/16 tonsillectomy ..Trimengenial Neuralga due to surgery