Goodmorning Paula and Happy new Years to you and your family.
I recently finished (july) 39 hyberbaric oxygen treatments in Buffalo. HBO treatments are not used in the treatment of head and neck cancers. Hbo treatments are for those of us who develope osteoradioncrosis after radiation treatment to the jaw area. Osteioradioncrosis is just a fancy name for "bone death" which occurs after prolonged radiation. Fear not it does not happen to many of us , I think about 10%. Your husband may be a candidate if he is having dental issues after his treatment (this is why they pull many teeth before radiation). I asked all of those questions about the re growth of cancer cells, I had finshed rad. and chemo in december 2005 and neck dissection in January 2006 , began HBO in May 2006. I recieved many opinions from ongologists, oral surgeons, HBO specialists etc. and about 9 of 10 said it was safe. One Dr. said to wait at least two years of being cancer free, unfortunately the ORN to my jaw was not waiting. That brings us up to the present, I am doing great , no more jaw/tooth pain, great check-ups from all my docs and on January 11 I reach the 1 year plateau. I will see you all there ,I will be reaching back to lend a hand to those on the path behind me. Hang in there, all is well. Keep pushing ahead.