
Sorry I missed your initial post. I know how nerve racking this is for you and your family. (I am a cancer surrivor and a care giver of a cancer survivor...guss you could sing, "I've looked at life from both sdies now...")We were very lucky to have a team of doctors who understood the stress angle when DH was diagnosed (as opposed to the doctor who treated my own cancer who was rather cold and got angry at me a couple of times when I wouldn't let him treat me like a child). DH's doctor gave both DH and I prescriptions for anti-anxiety meds. It really helped a LOT. Most days we didn't need them...but when we were waiting for a test result, or when I felt totally stressed out, overwhlelmed, and at the end of my rope, they sure came in handy! You might discuss this aspect of your treatment with the doctor and see if he can help you out with something to take the edge off your nerves...after all, stress and anxiety can be very detrimental to healing.

I hope this helps. You, and all our patients who are traveling this road, are in my prayers at well as the care givers who are truly special people.


CG spouse 54 yo male dx Sq cell CA larynx Stage 4 RADPLAT therapy started 6/05 Intra-arterial Cisplatin x4-RT x35. Treatment completed 7/05. FU PET scan and CT scan with hot spot. Biopsy of hot spot 9/05 clean. No recurrences as of 12/06.