Merry Christmas, smile
I am glad to hear that you are going to have this taken care of. I have cancer in my tonsils and on the back of my tongue, I haven't required surgery, but am going throughChemo and radiation. I had to have all of my teeth pulled, and that was not pleasant!! and now my mouth is to sore to wear the "new and improved ones" but you know what, It sure doesn't bother me as much as I thought it would. Funny how priorities can shift!!I don't think there is an easy way to cope with the big "C" at any time in our life, but the prognosis today is so much better than it was even 10 years ago. How much surgery will you require? I am sure once it is done you will be none the worse for the wear, remember we are survivors, we have a treatable desease, we are no longer doomed. We are the Lance Armstrongs of tomorrow, Our families and friends are testiment to that.

I hope you have a great Christmas. I only regret not being able to taste anything, there is way too much good food around and I have to force myslef to eat anything. I have a somach tube so that when the throat gets to sore I won't starve. I am a very imapatient patient It has been a good lesson for me to learn to slow down and just appreciate what is going on around me. I have found it is alright to give in and take a nap in the afternoon, and go to bed early at night, it is ok not to want company, it is ok to feel sad and to cry for no apparent reason, it is ok to be human.
I hope you keep usp posted after your surgery. I will keep you in my thoughts. Remember,, you have the power to beat this ,