Thank you all so very much! We went today for his usual shot before the radiation but they didn't give it to my son and sent him to see the radiation Doctor (same hospital different department) and he gave him a prescription for something called "Magic Mouthwash" which has 4-5 ingredients like hydrocortisone, codeine, etc. 2 tsps not more than every two hours. I will tell him about the other suggestions, too. It's so good to know what to be prepared for. He's been eating mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes and some roast turkey but says that salty foods are beginning to bother him and he's beginning to prefer sweet things like ice cream, popsicles. I will check out the aloe, too. The doctor told him to take a break from the radiation and check back on Thursday if his throat/neck pain was pretty much gone or at least by Monday. Espresso with ice cream sounds really good. I've been worried about his drinking diet coke but he's cut down on that quite a bit. Maybe the espresso with ice cream will take the place of it.
Again, thank you so much. You've all been so much help!

CG to son, Paul (age 33, non-smoker) SCC Stage 2, Surgery 9/21/06, 1/6 tongue Rt.side removed, +48 lymph nodes neck. IMRTx28 completed 12/19/06. CT scan 7/8/10 Cancer-free! ("spot" on lung from scar tissue related to Pneumonia.)