Hello My Friends:
I haven't posted for a day or two, but I did read each message and thank you sincerely for your kind words of encouragement.

I have said it before and have to say it again. I haven't cried about my condition partly because I don't know what it means yet. But you have each been through the fire personally or with someone you love. Yet you are still able and willing to encourage and be there for me. THANK YOU....

That alone was making me feel guilty for momentarily not appreciating the pain my husband is in. We simply handle these things differently. I was getting frustrated that he kept rehashing what we learned at the followup from the biopsy. He wants to treat what was said as absolute/find something in the answers that are reassuring. But, I on the other hand would be devastated if I convenced myself that this is minor only to find out differently.

I told my daughter and she is ready to rearrange her life to meet my needs. She's worried but she hasn't flipped out. I guess she knows her Mom best... and has a similar approach.. Let's get the facts

Well enough about me... I again want to say thank you. Know that I think of each of you Rolf, JAM, Danny G, David CPA, Stoj and Amy. (Hope I didn't miss anyone.) Where ever you are in your recovery. Know that you make a difference for me daily. Remember me in your prayers as I will each of you, by name!

Take Care,