OOh I love your web site on Orchids, I have been intrigued by them for a few years, but havent had the nerve to try them, maybe I can gleen more information from you and your site, so I have the courage to try. I had no idea that vanilla was an orchid, and the process was so amazing and difficult. I just take vanilla for granted I guess.
Thank you for your contribution!!

Caregiver to Erik -1st DX 12/22/2005 SCC of Tongue, T3N1M0, hemi-glossectomy,60 nodes removed, carboplatnin,Erbitux, 35Rads.
Reoccurrence T1N0M0 4/14/08-partial glossectomy-16 weeks Erbitux and Taxol-
3rd reoccurrence 5/18/12- partial glossectomy