Thanks for the feedback. Jerry in response to your submission: 1. My surgeon said it was normal for only a percentage of nodes to be biopsied cause there would have been +60 nodes all mixed up in other tissue and the pathologist would only pick out a sampling. He believes that the node that showed up enlarged on my CT scan (the one needle biopsied) was also checked.

2. He told me that there has been medical literature written of people who were diagnosed with cancer and upon surgery/biopsy - NO cancer. Does that mean a cure or a misdiagnosis.......

3. the Oncologist has told me that he is requesting a review of the needle biopsy report - I need to talk to him further cause I don't know if there are only records or if there is some actual needle aspiration fluid held in storage somewhere.

I have said right from the beginning of this thing - since I was very good at being in denial, if someone screws up, I better find out about it and a medical review be done so it never happens to another person. I am very resolved that I made the right decision to have had the surgery, but it was based on the info I was given. I am also thankful that things happened quite fast for me in terms of treatment when others go undiagnosed for a long time and then have a tougher battle to face.

Believe me - I will be seeking answers.

Thanks again - much appreciated - terry