Hi Kanada and welcome as well. My Father has an unknown primary and had his neck dissection first and is now in the process of chemo and radiation. His lymph node ended up being 4 cm but they thought it was slightly smaller prior to surgery. We were not presented with the option of treatments first and then surgery. Radiation for an unknown primary is pretty extensive compared to a known primary. I also like Michele am interested to hear about the salivary gland procedure, but it was not presented to us as an option. My father is so far successfully taking the amifostine and hasn't had problems with it.
Wish you all the best and please continue to posts as you progress through treatment.
Just an FYI - they also took my father's tonsils out during the surgery.

Caregiver to Father:Stage III unknown primary; modified left side neck dissection 2/2006; 8 wk trmts of Erbitux 3/2006 with-37 radition treatments; 11.2010; biopsy of base of tongue results questionable. 9.2013 tumor on left side of tongue; squamous cell cancer. 10.2.2013 Hemiglossectomy(1/2 tongue removed) with reconstruct tongue using left thigh tissue;surgery included IORT.
25 additional IMRT radiation trtmts & 5 wks/chemo. Carbo & Taxol combo.NPO;100% PEG depend;aspiration pneumonia 3/2014