Hi Ms Ann,

if you go on "To Peg or not PEG" in current treatment you will have lots of advices with the insertion of the PEG. I was the one who actually asked the question and people have been candidly and honestly shared their experience.

My husband David who has chosen not to have a PEG tube is at his 4th week of RT and is doing well without the PEG although he is on morphine and not being able to eat solids anymore. Milkshakes,soups and other high power drinks are part of his daily diet. He is quite of a stubbord man and has not made his decision without intense reflexion and research and discussions with people.

HAVING SAID THIS, if your fiance is having trouble swolling right now, it is paramount that he gets all the nutrients he needs to get his body in a good space. I can testified that David said that if he would have the combination of chemo and RT he would have not been able to make without the PEG. So I would advice that your fiance thinks seriously of the consequences of not having the PEG. I think that from what you wrote, he would benefit from it. Again on that post mentioned above, heaps of people have shared how "easy" the procedure is compare to the rest.

I'll think of you


Wife of David, 44yo, SCC-BOT-R) mod. rad. ND in Jan 06. 35x standard RT from Feb-April 06. Recur on L) side same level in Sept 06 with mod rad ND. 1/48 node positive SCC + 1/48 positive micropapillary carcioma consistant with thyroid CA.