Christine, I am so sorry I didn't paint a clearer picture the last time. Frankly, I too did not know enough.

So, the chest X-ray showed a spot on the left lung. My father underwent a ct scan for it today. We will be showing the report to the doctor tomorrow. I have never been so scared in my whole life. I do not know what to do. My father is already very depressed because of the swelling and the fact that he cannot eat or speak properly.

The surgeon who performed the oral cancer surgery said that the operation was a 100% success and that my father shouldn't worry. He is one of the best in the country, but that doesn't stop me from imagining the worst scenarios.

By hb, I meant Haemoglobin. He isn't taking enough diet. He rarely feels hungry and refuses to eat things that don't give him any taste. As a result, he has lost significant weight and has become weak.

Do spots in the X-ray show up after a patient has received rads?

These are the details of the radiotherapy
Right Face and Neck
Shrinking field technique
And chemo: 5 cycles of concurrent chemotherapy, Carboplatin 150mg

Also wanted to include the histopathology report from the post rad discharge note: Right Buccal Mucosa, GBS and gingiolingual Sulcus: Invasive poorly differentiated Keratinizing Squamous Cell Carcinoma with clear margins of resection and single metastatic lymph node seen (2/24+)

VERY CONCERNED about the metastatic lymph node point...

Last edited by ERK; 11-12-2018 07:23 AM.
