as usual, he's trying to control things by not updating me. I texted last night (he has no voice left) as to what's going on. Silence. I'm so glad the nurses are having to deal with him for a few days as he fights them and me every step of the way. I needed a break!

I wish I could remember the name of what he has around the feeding tube...granulation is not the word they used. it was 2 words and referring to a growth that has developed. they said it's unusual but they have seen it before. it is quite painful. so maybe it's what you are referring to and they just used another name for it, I'm not sure. ETA I just googled feeding tubes and could not find any words that sounded familiar so I"m going with granulation!

The nutritionist and nurse have told him to do gravity feedings and he refuses (why???...oh because it wasn't his idea I guess). My daughter has watched him put food into the tube and she said he pushes it in so fast that's it's not surprising it is coming back out.

I will update when he decides on his own to communicate. I won't ask again because i refuse to play his games. Lots of other people are getting to see the controlling behavior so now I know it's not just me he does it to. It's his loss.

He is still refusing to give me the password to see our insurance coverage. What is he hiding? Probably nothing...just controlling. I finally found an old plan and think it is probably going to be the same. I thought this illness might humble him or bring about some good changes...seems all the old stuff is ramped up and intense since I have to deal with him so much these days.

thanks for the comments Kristen, gmcraft and Christine. It is appreciated.

Last edited by ConnieT; 09-26-2018 06:37 AM.

Spouse of 58 yr old with BOT cancer
Stage 4a HPV16 positive
3 chemo treatments cisplantin
35 radiation treatments 7000 cGy
former smoker/chewed tobacco for 38 yrs.
1/2020 diagnosed with cancer near TMJ
4/2020 chemo 5 days every 2 weeks
6/2020 proton therapy
9/21/2020 cancer free