Thank you Christine, I did a search and then read through a whole bunch of other posts. No ideas really on what I can do (well maybe 1, try those little foam sticks to get stuff out of my mouth), but a bit of hope that it will end eventually.

I've done more lurking on this site than posting, I find it a scary place to be most days and I also don't want to write anything when I'm having a dark day. But I do feel that at least this part will be over soon.

Mouth/tongue cancer dx Feb 2018.
Surgery Apr 2018, partial glossectomy, tongue reconstruction (radial forearm flap donor site), neck dissection.
Tumour 2.5 cm, 0.8 cm deep.
Histologic grade G3 Poorly differentiated.
3 of 25 lymph nodes involved max size 0.6 cm.
pT2pN2b (stage 4a)
Chemo Radiation June / July 2018. Completed 35 rads, 2 of the 3 chemos.