I didn't have a great week after 2nd chemo last Thursday. Was sick all weekend, finally Wed they cancelled my rads and hydrated me and gave me iv anti nausea meds and now I have a home care nurse coming by every day as needed to hydrate me. I'm feeling better now, not nauseous (or just barely), can keep the tube food and water down, and I can even get a couple hundred calories from real food - pudding, smooth yogurt. So I can drink some liquids, and I can rinse with the mouthwash, but when I try to brush my teeth and swish around that water I have a huge gag reflex. I haven't thrown up from it, yet anyway, but it's close. It's not just toothpaste, just trying to rinse after a yogurt or pudding is the same. Is this typical? More importantly - is it going to end? Today will be the 25th rad, so 5 more to go after today. And 1 more chemo. Unless it's cancelled.

Mouth/tongue cancer dx Feb 2018.
Surgery Apr 2018, partial glossectomy, tongue reconstruction (radial forearm flap donor site), neck dissection.
Tumour 2.5 cm, 0.8 cm deep.
Histologic grade G3 Poorly differentiated.
3 of 25 lymph nodes involved max size 0.6 cm.
pT2pN2b (stage 4a)
Chemo Radiation June / July 2018. Completed 35 rads, 2 of the 3 chemos.