
Thank you for your reply. Just reading your oral cancer history tells me you are a very tough, brave woman! I appreciate your words of encouragement. I know this journey is like a roller coaster ride. When I think about how much my husband has been through, and how well he is really doing compared to many, I'm very thankful. Some days bring a new challenge, like the below the chin, swelling in the neck that he is experiencing now. There are so many bodily functions that just happen automatically that we all take for granted, like saliva, swallowing, and taste. I'm praying all of these functions return for my husband. As a caregiver, it's hard not to be able to do more. All I can do is make sure he has everything he needs at his finger tips. I read as much as I can and we try different products (like Closys mouthwash, Biotene products, Xylimelt tabs which he did not like, and the list goes on. What cancer patients / survivors really need is a high calorie nutrition drink that doesn't derive most of it's calories from sugar! If anyone knows of a product, please let me know. But right now, the goal is to get my husband eating real food. He seems to be at an impass on trying. I have to help him get over this hump! Until then, I continue to pray for him and for all of you everyday! Thank you for taking the time to reply. Bless you!