Hi: At Christmas time, 2017, I was brushing my teeth and spit out fresh red blood. I had been feeling something in my right jaw area but no pain. I knew instantly that I was in trouble. Saw my nurse practitioner a few days later. She referred me to a ENT who biopsied the area. It is a squamous cell carcinoma. I don’t have results of HPV test but I am told it’s probably the cause I then had a pet scan and I do not have cancer anywhere else. I live within an hour and 15 minute drive from Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa. I saw a Head and Neck dr there. I start 35 radiation treatments next Monday at Moffitt.
I have never smoked I do drink but not excessively. I am trying to prepare but I’m a little freaked out.

I am almost 70 years old female. I was diagnosed by an ENT with squamous cell carcinoma 18 days ago it’s thought to be HPV 16 but I don’t have that answer yet I will begin 35 radiation sessions Feb 5, 3028 at Moffitt Cancer Center. My head and neck doc gave me a 92% success rate.