Thanks Christine. I was actually asking for the benefit of "Auntziplock" as I was going to offer her some of my experiences but didn't want to share info that might now be pertinent to her specific cancer. We do share the same locations, however, and you are right to inform her of the eating and drinking issues that are very real for treatment in those locations.

Teacher Karen
DX: SCC of right maxillary alveolar ridge, 9/2010.
Surgery 11/2010, removal of 4 teeth and gum.
Surgery 11/2012, removal of 3 teeth and gum.
IMRT 1/2013-2/2013
Surgery 1/2015 retromolar trigone resection; removal of 1 tooth and gum.
Surgery 10/2015 left modified radical neck dissection, inferior parotidectomy, external carotid artery resection.
Cetuximab based chemoradiation 64.8 Gy to resection bed.
Surgery 6/19/2018 Right inferior maxillectomy, bilateral low palate resection